Friends Not Foes


Digital transformation requires changes in technology and a technology market that addresses the specific challenges of higher education. In transactional buyer/seller relationships where institutions are unwilling to share their challenges and corporations are unwilling to listen to the market needs, square-peg/round-hole implementations occur. To digitally transform higher education, institutions and corporations need to be willing and able to come together and co-create the solutions of tomorrow based on the challenges of today.

In this session, EDUCAUSE Showcase Series corporate sponsors will join institutions to discuss true partnership, collaboration, and how to co-create solutions together. Get ready to challenge your thinking of how institutions and corporations interact and dream of a future where both groups can solve big issues – together.

Oct 26, 2022 11:00 AM — 11:45 AM
EDUCAUSE Central Space located in the Exhibit Hall, Colorado Conference Center, Denver, CO
Damien Eversmann
Damien Eversmann
Technologist and Educator
Chief Architect

As Chief Architect for Education at Red Hat, Damien serves the role of bridging the gap between the mission and the business of education and the technologies and solutions that support it all. He has a penchant for teaching and demonstration and anything else that gets him in front of people to share the message of Continuous Learning, DevOps Culture, Innovation through Automation and IT Modernization.